Nextra Consulting Peer Group

Nextra Consulting Presents:

Owner’s Peer Group Discovery Forum

A peer group is a powerful force for improvement, change and success. Peer groups provide a forum for feedback, help with decision-making and handling challenges, tactical support and accountability. 

Who is this peer group for?

This peer group is designed for owners of landscape companies. The challenges and stresses that come with being a business owner are unique, and this group will provide a forum for sharing, problem-solving, support, benchmarking, and brainstorming for the benefit of everyone in the group. 

The group is designed for business owners who: 

  • Have a leadership team in place
  • Use a BMS (LMN or Aspire)
  • Can check their ego at the door
  • Want to be held accountable and grow as a leader
  • Are willing to share with the group and be highly engaged
  • Want to grow their business and are looking for